
Showing posts from August, 2017

Medieval Period

I ntroduction Hello, dear reader! Welcome to our blog. Learn about the middle age is our main purpose, famous events, art, music, information about knights, the economy, population, expansion and social conditions, religion, clothing, famous writers and literature. We hope this information can help you to know about this period. The Early, High and Late Middle Ages Although in some languages the Middle Ages are labeled in the singular (it's le moyen age in French and das mittlere Alter in German), it is difficult to think of the era as anything other than ages plural. This is in part because of the numerous subjects encompassed by this long period of time, and in part because of the chronological sub-eras within the era. Generally, the medieval era is divided into three periods: the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. The Early Medieval Era is sometimes still called the Dark Ages. This epithet originated with those who wanted ...